
Trick to Change Facebook Fan Page Name after 200+ Likes

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First of all Univesal Prince Welcomes You To The Techno Dudes, a new blog by him where he will post all tech tricks....
So This is The first Tricks He is going To post .

Trick to Change Facebook Fan Page Name after 200+ Likes

As you all already know Facebook Doesn't allow to change Facebook fan Page name after 200+ Likes , But that's not for a tech geek . Today i am going to explain you a very simple trick to change Facebook Fan Page name after 200+ Likes..

Steps to Change Facebook Fan Page Name after  200+ Likes

  1. Set a proxy in Google Chrome or any other browser
  2. use the Japan proxy “” because when connected with proxy your internet connection might become slower but the above proxy will be the fastest among all. 
  3. Open Google Chrome and move to the settings and search for Proxy on the search bar (or) paste this on your chrome address bar “chrome://settings/search#proxy
  4. Click on the “Change Proxy Settings” and from the Internet Popup that appears click on “LAN Settings"
  5. Click on “Use a proxy settings for LAN” and use this IP “” & port “8080

Open Up Facebook Fan Page and Update The Info.

Now simply open your Facebook Fan Page which name you want to change and click on “Page Info” under Edit Page. Change the category to “Local Business” in both the fields
Remove any existing address from the “Address” option and click on save.

Translate The Name for Facebook Fan Page.

Now you will need to change the name of  Facebook Fan page for that click on the Translated  name and then you will find 4 Languages in that. Select any one of  language and type in your new page name next to the language text box with Some Symbol at the end 
For Japanese add the  ッ symbol.Chinese symbol is 人.Korean symbol is ㅿ.And for Arabic the symbol is ـا

For example if I’m changing my translated name in Japanese then i will enter it as “Techno Dudes "

Changing of the Language to Desired One.

Scroll to the bottom of the Facebook Fan page and you'll find English(US). You need to change it to the language in which you have entered the translated name above.
For example I have used Japanese language, so I'll click on the Language and select Japanese. If you can't find the language in the pop-up window then just hover your mouse on the languages , the title will appear.

Changing the Address of Facebook Page.

When the Language is changed , you might see every texts on the screen in the chosen language. So next you have to change the address of your Facebook fan page.
To change the address click on the 5th option from the top under “Edit Info” page. It is the address name changing option translated in the selected language.
If you have chosen Korean or Japanese or Chinese :
For the first box input the number “00000″.Input the text “Amman,Jordan” in the second box.
In the third box type in “Jordan” .
If you have chosen Arabic as the Language :
For the first box type in “Jordan“.
Input “Amman, Jordan” in the Second box .
In the third box type in “00000
And then save the address along with map.
Finally Change the Language back to English(US) and you'll see your page name changed with the text you have entered and with the symbol at the end.

Removing of Symbol at the End of the Facebook Page Name.

1.Remove the address you entered from the Address category and empty it.
2.Remove the map from the Address category and click on Turn Off
3.Click the Translated Name and you'll find the English language.
4.Remove the symbol from that text filed and click on save.
5.Change the Address as “Yamunanagar” , City/Place to “Yamunanagar, Haryana” and save it.

Now your Facebook Page Name is Changed and will appear without symbols

If you find any difficulties in changing the Facebook Fan page name then you can leave a comment below, we will get back to you immediately...

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